
Some topics are better taught in half-day to full weekend-length workshops that incorporate a mix of lecture, discussion hands-on learning, design groups, etc.
As with guest speaking, I am happy to work creatively with organizers to create a workshop that meets the interests and needs of the audience.
Though I'm usually asked to speak to adults, I enjoy talks and workshops for high school
science classes, after-school programs, day camps, etc.
Design thinking and skills are for everyone!
Latest workshop topics:
Any shorter talks expanded with hands-on and workparty components (see Talks page)
Most any module from the Permaculture Design Course with some adapted context (see Permaculture Design Courses page)
Design Charrettes, leading a group through a collective design process (may take some prep work, see Site Design page)
Observation & Mapping
Multifunctional Plants and how to design with them
The Permaculture Design Process
DIY Design and Phase Planning for Garden Install
Maximizing Water Storage in the Land (and Minimizing Irrigation Needs)
Designing Edible Forest Gardens
Installation Workparties
Raingarden Installation

PRICING: See Talks for a little more info about pricing scenarios.